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A member registered Oct 29, 2016

Recent community posts

It really seems like such a small update but im sure you worked hard on this. Im 100% sure that even if its a smaller update that it will change the gameplay a lot! Good work! I really enjoy this game and i'm glad to have these monthly updates! Enjoy your thanksgiving!

I had pointed this out too on the last update, so i obviously agree. What im curious to is if the new kick features and bow features will make things better. Can't wait to find out, keep up the good work!!

So i think the jet pack bots are way too hard. I don't know if that's just me, but they are pretty troublesome. Like in gold tier when i might have 4 jet pack bots coming at me from all sides. There should be a counter for this, but i can only jump to the most empty side and pray that one doesn't hit me. I think they would be fine if one of three happened...

1-Less jet pack bots per level


2-A wider turn radius for jet pack bots


3-A counter for being swarmed by jet pack bots

Hope you take a look at this, thank you!!

ps. love the game! Ill probably buy it again when it comes on steam so i can support it even more.

honestly I thought the jump from saw blades was a little more realistic than just being pushed to the side. If I put a running saw blade into some candy, candy goes everywhere. I wanna see the robot chunks go flying. It's quite amusing